Three said they found French difficult:
I can't remember words
French is not my languages
prnonsin (pronunciation?) is hard
Eight said they liked speaking French:
it is fone (fun?) to speque a new language
it is fun (2)
it is fun and it is a good language
it is good speak French
it is a great speciality
because it is a nice language to learn
I can Comumenenicate (∞mmunicate?) with a friend
Two boys left this section blank
Seven said they would have liked to do more reading:
so I could ride in french
I ∞uld read french books
I ∞uld have read Franch books
I like reading it very funny
so I can get over the difficulties
I can improve my reading express
It will help me Ieam
Two said they were glad they did not do more reading:
I dont no how to read in french
Two boys left this section blank
Six said they would have liked to do more writing:
I ∞uld like to wright in french
I ∞uld write in french as well as speaking
it is fun to do
so I can get over the difficulties
I ∞uld improve my writing
I'll Ieam how write more