Boys 6R
All of the boys said that they enjoyed learning French:
it is a knew language for me
It is fun Ieming french (2)
it is one of the best the world
I do like it
it is a new language and it fun
it is something different
I like to learn new languages
I like to lain three Ian...
it is a fane(?) Ieson
Nine boys said they would like to learn more French:
I might use it wen Γm older
I can speak to my brother
to speak in french and it is fun
because when I go to France I can speak it
when I go to France I can speak
it is good
when I go to france I can speak French
I want to spek French
One boy left this section blank
Seven said they found French easy:
portuges is quit semeler
I know how to prnoces (pronounce?) in French
some of the words are like english
I know how to pmou..(pronounce?) some of the words in French
it is easy to easy
you get help to understand
we start of with easy work then hard work