Three said they were glad they did not do any more writing:
I did not like writing
I don't like to write in french
I cant spell french
One boy left this section blank
Five said they would have liked to do more homework:
It takes my spear time
I could do mor work
it will help me Iem more
I could Ieam at home as well
I like do it
Two boys left this section blank
Three said that they were glad they did not get more homework:
I don't like homework
there hard to do
I travale (travel?) to my family a Iote
The things the boys liked most:
playing games because it was fone (fun?)
(?) French because when I go to FRANCE I can speak French
asking other people question in french because it was helpping me talk to other people
in french
getting into groups because we can exchange our ideas
doing some activitys because they were fun and we could move around
the France 98 world cup I like do best because it's very fun
about Ie coupe du monde because it is very good
∞unting the french numbers because I could ∞unt
I liked the games speaking french, writing french because I can Ieam a Iote more