A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

The things they liked least:

french because some of the French words are abet easy for but some are hard for me
when I couldn't remember a word and I was asked because it would be embarrasing
and I am a very shy person

speaking French because it would be very fun

listening to tapes because I found it hard to understand them

What they found easy:

actualy everything because I know most of it (girl born in France)

talking at he same time with the Classbecause I felt more ∞nfident

numbers in french because I had to tack time

pronouncing the words because it is very easy and some of the words are funny

speaking a little bit of French because I would like to

speaking french and remembering the words because it's not much different to my
language (the girl called her language 'Patois, broken French)

the listening to the tape. And I found this easy because I could then be explained to

What they found difficult:

answeπng sentences because I got most words mixed up

nothing because I know a lot of French (girl bom in France)

the understanding of it all. Like listening to the teacher speak in french because he
wrote and spoke it pretty fast

pronouncing some numbers in french because the way the teacher pronounced it I
sometime don't understand

not being able to hear all the information on the tape because it wasn't very clear and

there were somethings we hadn't learnt yet

French because when the teacher say somethink I found some words difficult

remembering words in French

5 found this easy

2 found it difficult

remembering sentences in French

3 found this easy

4 found it difficult

saying words in French

6 found this easy

1 found it difficult

saying whole sentences in French

4 found this easy

3 found it difficult

∞pying things down in French

7 found this easy

0 found it difficult

reading in French

1 found this easy

6 found it difficult

understanding the teacher speak French

3 found this easy

4 found it difficult

understanding people on the tape

4 found this easy

3 found it difficult

asking questions in French

6 found this easy

1 found it difficult

answeπng teacher's questions in French

5 found this easy

2 found it difficult


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