Findings from Questionnaire School Two
Girls 6R
Six girls said that they enjoyed learning French:
it will help me more in high school
it is a great help in highschool
it was a new language
I can say lots of things in French
It is great fun and I would like to go to France.
Two said they did not enjoy it:
the words for me were quite hard
it is to hard
Five said they would like to learn more French:
it is fun
is good language
it is quite enjoyable
it's interesting
I enjoy learning different languages
Five did not want to learn any more:
it was difficult I want to learn something new
I don't think it is important because I don't live in France
The words are to hard to Ieam
I don't know some of the words
(the girl who said he wanted to learn more because French 'is good language' also
said she did not want to elam any more because it was difficult)
Five said they found French easy:
teacher helps
I was bom in France
the teacher explains a word very well
some words are like my language (Portuguese speaker)
if you really get into it you find it fun