A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

I think the writing is very nice
so I can unstand it
then I would be able to spell good in french and understand the words more

Three said they were glad they did not do any more writing:

I get ∞nfused very fast

I do not no how to do writing in french

I can't spell an word in french

Five said they would have liked to do more homework:

I will learn more

It was fun and I enjoyed writing about myself. I liked all homework
then I could study the words and become better at french
it will help me

I could learn some words

One girl did not get byond this question on the questionnaire

Three said that they were glad they did not get more homework:

Sometimes I don't understand what's going on і class so I find homework hard
it is hard

we might have some other homework and we might not be able to get it done

The things they liked most:

learning sentences it was better than learning words but I found it hard to remember

listening to the tape re∞rder they speak nice and clearly (response from the girl who
was born in France)
talking∕writing about myself, or someone else. I quite liked the "j'e" and the "Elle a" in it
all. і liked it all.

the games and listening to the re∞rder

I like to sepak and write in french

playing the games and pronouncing the words it is great fun and it is important to Ieam

French I enougy listening some of the thinks
when we had to find out how old are they it was very funny


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