A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

The things the boys liked most:

How to talk in an different way

singing in french because it was a bit easy

the singing and the homework because the singing was fun and the homework was

the number...because it was fun and easy

talking to each other because it was good fun to learn that way

speaking or learning French, being able to read the words because it's a nice language
and I can say words properly

french puzzles because I'm not really sure

saying nise words in french because it make people happy

The things the boys liked least:

riteing French words because they were hard to rite

doing things that were to hard to understand because I got presured into doing it and I

got it Il wrong

spelling because they were hard to spell

the writing and reading from a book because it was difficult reading French

reading in Freanch because it wasent very hard (?)

doing homework because I would not understand

What they found easy:

the read because it was just to read the words

speaking in French because it wasent very hard

the homework because it was...

speaking Frence a bit because I soundid realy funny

The very basics like bonjour because I knew most of them

the words because they are similar to English

∞unting because Γm not sure

What the boys found difficult:

saying french word because the are hard to say

to spell in fre... because it would be in a different way

reading in french because of the letters

the singing, reading and writing because it was difficult to say the words and spell


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