writing because I spellt some words roning(?)
the bits I had no idea about because I couldn't pronounce them
the writing I have to ∞py from the board because it is pretty hard
learning how to speak in a conservation because it was hard to remember every thing
remembering words in French
remembering sentences in French
saying words in French
saying whole sentences in French
∞pying things down in French
reading in French
understanding the teacher speak French
understanding people on the tape
asking questions in French
answering the teacher's questions
6 found this easy
3 found this easy
8 found this easy
2 found this easy
7 found this easy
2 found this easy
2 found this easy
4 found this easy
6 found this easy
5 found this easy
3 found it difficult
6 found it difficult
1 found it difficult
6 found it difficult
2 found it difficult
7 found it difficult
7 found it difficult
5 found it difficult
3 found it difficult
4 found it difficult
When asked to name some of the things they learned in French the boys listed:
spell, to read, wright and speaking in freach a little
We have learned to say things in French
sing a song, read, speak in french, count nos 1 to 20 to great to write in french to read
in french and to sing in french
have a conversation to learn things about people
count and speak a little
I learnt how to answer questions and how to ask questions
how old are you
hellow buy rubar bag book...(?)
Asked what they would like to find out about French speaking people or
countries where French is spoken:
How many difrent languages are spoken in france
Γm not sure if somalian spoke french
I would like to know why they eat snails
Γd like to know how there lives have changed from the past
How many difrent Town are thaere in France
I would like to find out what a French class is like
I would like to now how was the first france person