they were given several questionnaires that are kept in the SAC learning to Ieam section
(see Appendix 5 for these questionnaires and their source). Some of the students gave a
very detailed and specific account of themselves:

Gl: -1 like to study grammar, Ieam new vocabulary and practice new sounds
and pronunciation.

-1 get angry when I can't pronounce a word

-1 can Ieam faster when I read a word than when I hear it
- etc

This profile contains more than thirty statements of this sort. Of course, I realised
that this account was literally copied from the questionnaires that she got from me. But,
in spite of the fact that she is not being very original in her statements, one has to admit
that she inevitably had to embark on the process of thinking and reflecting on her
learning and make decisions to describe her own style. Finally, this is the purpose of
such type of questionnaires, to help learners to describe their learning styles.

However, it was very interesting to find out that other participants did not restrict
themselves to answering and copying the statements from the questionnaires. After they
had answered them they reflected on their answers in order to apply, analyse, synthesise
and evaluate them. Most of the learners, for example, showed that it was very easy to
apply certain questions to their own experience. F, for instance, said:

F: I am visual. A word that I learned just from hearing it, "abroad" (he
mispronounces it),
you know, to go to a foreign country, has given me a lot
of problems because I haven't seen it written. First I visualised it as "to broad".
Then I tried to use it in conversations and they always correct me. I know that
until I see it written and I use it written, in a letter or something like that, I will
Ieam it right.

A, another participant, also reflected on the questionnaires in order to elaborate his
profile. After working on questions such as the following:

(03)...I like to Ieam by games

no a little good best

(07)... I like to have my own textbook

no      a little      good      best

(18) I like to study grammar

no      a little      good      best

(27)...I like to Ieamby studying English books
no a little good best

(29) I like to Ieam by watching and listening to (native speakers)
no a little good best

(Willing, 1989, 13-14)


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