shocks (“transitory full insurance”, and E (AsjtA^vj't) = buσ2a)∙
4 Identification strategy
Without further restrictions, from equation (13) we cannot separately identify bu and bυ,
nor can we gauge whether bu = bυ = b. To see how identification of the relevant parameters
is achieved, start from the general case bu = bυ in (11):
∆<ωij = = buUjt T bυΔ,Vjt T $ijt (14)
where ⅛z∙t = A(L,p)ξijt T A(Lμp)Δμij∙t. Subtract bυ∆sjt from both sides to obtain:
∆ωijt — bυ∆εjt = (bu, — bυ)ujt T A[jt (15)
Multiply both sides by ∆εjt-1 and ∆sjt+ι, respectively, and take expectations to yield the
two moment conditions:
e [ʌɛjt+1 (∆ω-ij — — bυ∆εjt)] = 0 (16)
E tʌɛji-1 (∆ωvt — bυ∆εj)] = 0 (17)
Intuitively, equations (16) and (17) tell us that once one filters the unexplained compo-
nent of earnings growth ∆ω-ijt by the unexplained component of value added growth ∆sjt
(weighted by a factor bυ, the extent of transitory insurance), what is left is uncorrelated
with the past and future unexplained component of value added growth. In an OLS re-
gression of ∆ω-ijt on ∆sjt the latter is obviously endogenous because correlated with the
right hand side of equation (15) via Ujt∙9 However, the first lag and lead of ∆sjt will be
valid instruments, because correlated with ∆sjt (via the transitory component) and uncor-
related with the error term. At least in principle, all the variables ∆sjt-τ (with ∣τ∣ ≥ 1)
are uncorrelated with the error term. However, the instruments that satisfy ∆sjt-τ with
9It is worth noting that OLS estimation provides unbiased and consistent estimation if bu = bυ = b. Thus
an exogeneity test for ∆εj∙t can be used to check whether b,i = bυ = b.