Procedure for the post test measures
Naming Task
Each child was told that he∕she was going to play a game with a puppet. The experimenter
then laid down the two cards one by one on the table in front of the child. Each time the
puppet was asking the child: “What is this ? ’’(pointing at the target picture). If the child said
‘7 don ,t know” the experimenter asked him/her to think what it was like.
Inference task
Each child had to answer two questions. S/he was asked to tell the puppet “What do we do
with the x (target word)? ”.
Analogy task
Each child had to answer two questions for the puppet. Each child was asked “Do you know
something else which is like the x (target word)? ”.
Lexical contrast task
Each child had to answer two questions for the puppet. S/he was asked iiDo you know
something else which is different from the x (target word)!”.
Multiple choice task
The multiple choice task had two trials. Each child was asked to play another game with the
puppet. S/he was presented with each one of the four plates and s/he was asked: iiCan you
point at the x? ” (the picture of the target word).
Definition task
Each child was asked two questions by the puppet who had no idea what certain items (target
words) were. S/he was asked: iiDo you know what an x is ?” The child could offer an answer
or say iidon ,t know”.
Sentence generation task
The sentence generation task had two trials. For each trial, the children were presented with
the well known Markman’s and Hutchinson’s format of forced choice task first, as a prompt.