A parametric approach to the estimation of cointegration vectors in panel data

regression is rewritten as

zbi+t = Byi(,2t)-1 + vbit ,                                (6)

where z + = y(1l-1 - (biΣ-1 bi)-1 αiΣ-1yit, yit = [y(10,yi20]0 and y(1 (y(2 )
r × 1 (k —r × 1) subvectors of yit. It is interesting to note that z + adopts an
endogeneity correction similar as the estimator of Phillips and Moon (1999).
The important difference is, however, that the latter approach employs a
nonparametric estimate of the endogeneity effect, whereas
z + is based on a
parametric endogeneity correction based on a VAR(
p) model.

Based on a sequential limit theory, the following theorem states that the
two-step estimator has a normal limiting distribution.

Theorem 1: Let yit be generated as in (1) and Bb2S denotes the least-squares
estimator of
B in the regression (6). Furthermore εit and εjt are independent
i 6= j . If T → ∞ is followed by N → ∞ we have

T √rNvec ( Bb2 S — B) —→ N(0, Ω2 1 ® Σv) ,

where Σv is defined in (4),


ω2 = Jim Ttα2(α0β)-1 αi⊥⊥ςiαi,(βαi,)-1 β2 ,
N→∞ N


αi,    and β    are orthogonal complements of αi andβ    and β,2 is the lower

(n — r) × r block ofβ    .

From this theorem it follows that the long-run parameters are asymptotically
normally distributed and, therefore, the usual tests on the cointegration pa-
rameters involve the usual limiting distributions. In particular, the second-
step regression (6) can be treated as an ordinary regression equation, that
is, the nonstationarity of the regressors and the fact that
zbi+t is estimated
can be ignored. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that for finite
N and
T → ∞, the estimator are mixed normal, that is, normally distributed with
a stochastic covariance matrix. Therefore, the normal limiting distribution
is expected to yield a reliable approximation even if
N is small.

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