Figure 4.1.8: Pupils’ sense of security promoted by different teaching methods;
perceptions of 8th grade teachers
A sense Ofprogress
Table 4.1.10 and Figure 4.1.9 below show that 8th grade teachers believed (4<M<5) that
Individual work and Individual help most promoted their pupils’ sense of progress in
learning mathematics. They expressed neither agreement nor disagreement (3≤M<4)
that Practical work, Using a computer, Reading a textbook, Teacher explanation, Whole-
class discussion and Group discussion promoted sense of progress. The result of a
repeated measure ANOVA showed that these findings were statistically significant.
Table 4.1.10: Mean scores and Standard Deviation; a sense of progress; perceptions of
8th grade teachers_________________________________________________________________
Practical |
Using a |
Reading a |
Teacher |
Individual |
Individual |
Whole-class |
Group | |
N |
42 |
40 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
M |
3.57 |
3.05 |
3.05 |
3.86 |
4.14 |
4.38 |
3.45 |
3.71 |
SD |
.83 |
.81 |
.94 |
.72_________ |
.78 |
.62 |
.74 |
.71 |
The result of a repeated measure ANOVA [F=(8,312)=19.76, p<. 01
Figure 4.1.9: Pupils’ sense of progress promoted by different teaching methods;
perceptions of 8th grade teachers