Testing Gribat´s Law Across Regions. Evidence from Spain.


AGE.- Age of the firm, measured as the difference between its creation year and 1990.

RESJUR.- Legal liability. It takes the value 1 if it is limited (Anonymous Societies)
and 0 otherwise (Individual Property; Limited Societies; Cooperatives; others).

INNPRO.- Product innovation. It takes the value 1 if it is a product innovating firm and
0 otherwise. A firm is defined as a product innovator if
“in any of the years along the
period an innovation of product has been introduced”

INNPRC.- Process innovation. It takes the value 1 if it is a process innovating firm and
0 otherwise. A firm is defined as a process innovator if
“in any of the years along the
period an innovation of process has been introduced”

TECHIGH; TECMD; TECLOW.- Sector’s technological development. Sectors are
classified as:

TECHIGH.- It takes the value 1 if the firm belongs to one of these sectors:

Chemical products.

Office and computing machinery

Electrical and electronic machinery

Motor vehicles

Other transport equipment

TECMED.- It takes the value 1 if the firm belongs to one of these sectors:

Basic metals

Non-metallic mineral products

Metal products

Machinery and mechanical equipment

Rubber and plastics

Other manufacturing industries

TECLOW.- It takes the value 1 if the firm belongs to one of these sectors:

Food, beverages and tobacco



Footwear, wearing apparel and other clothing

Wood and cork

Paper, graphic arts and publishing

PROV1, PROV2,PROV3, PROV4.- Provinces are classified as follows:

PROV1.- Barcelona, Madrid.

PROV2.- Alava, La Coruna, Guipuzcoa, Navarra, Sevilla, Valencia, Valladolid,
Vizcaya, Zaragoza.


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