A Multimodal Framework for Computer Mediated Learning: The Reshaping of Curriculum Knowledge and Learning

Identifying the Phenomena and the Need for an Explanation

Having established the empirical ‘reality’ of the investigation, the teacher works with
the students to construct the ‘problem space’ or phenomena to be explained - the
transformation from a gas to a liquid. In short the teacher works to establish the need
for an explanation.

Display on Screen: Gas to Liquid Screen with the ‘Hide Particles ’ viewing option (as
in figure 6.11)


Yep and what’s happening to my water now at the moment?

Points at water


Its boiling

[Looking at the screen]


its boiling excellent. What am I seeing happen at the top? Where my
lid is?

Teacher points at the saucepan lid


Water’s dropping

Looking at the screen


Water’s dropping down.

Okay. Any ideas why that’s happening?


Looks at teacher, looks at the screen and shrugs her shoulders


What do you think’s happening there? Why is my water turning into a
liquid there?

Points at the water in the pan/points at water on the saucepan Hd
Go on, what’s that word you used just now?




Condensation. Why do you reckon we’re getting condensation? Any
ideas? There’s a question for Miss Power [the student].


Because the steam from the Bunsen burner. From the boiling is,
making, is coming through the water, and so the steam from


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