There is evidence that this is happening, both in Adelaide
and Pt. Augusta.
However, the difference must be noted between these two places
and Strelley. In the case of the latter, skin colour is a ’given’
neither a source of pride or shame. In the urban situation, -skin
colour is a problem to be resolved.
18.53 Possessions f
The urban Aborigine, like the white man, has no ,guruwari,.
The loss of his connection with the land is related to a loss
of identity.
The Aborigine begs for land as his∙ possession:
One of the first things in identity is recognising
their right to land, their identity as human beings,
giving them status through land and allowing them x
to own something (Gilbert, in Tatz, ed., 1975:9).
At Poonindie, in South Australia, Aboriginal people farmed with
great success (Jenkin, 1979:65-66). They, together with the Point
Pearce people and Point McLeay people, despite being able to point
to their achievements in farming operations, were denied the right
to own land (Jenkin, 1979:266ff.).
This policy of refusing Aborigines free-hold title to lands
they have farmed has continued to the present day, when successful
farmers ask for title deeds to their land, still withheld from
In Queensland (2¾e Australian, 18.10.82) the Minister for
Commerce announced that Aborigines could not get freehold title to
land because the Government believed they could not handle money or
business transactions,
The possession of land which people request, in these examples,
has the same significance as it does for white people. Hence, it is
equated with identity as a human being.