The name is absent


The meaning of these names must be explained to the Aboriginal
people; very few have even a few words of the language of their

Similarly, in Adelaide

the name nunga is coming to be used fas

marmgu is used at Strelley) _ in an intuitive move towards an>

important element in securing identity, locating the self in a


world of meaning.

18.5 Identials

Identity, location in society, is secured not only by naming,
but by identials.

For the-Strelley people, identials are contexted into the
Law. The question to be asked is whether urban Aboriginal people
locate themselves in a world that has any identials that are
specifically Aboriginal.

' The identials of life history, physical characteristics,
possessions, religion, culture and employment, will now be examined.

18.51 Life-history

...people who live in a political and social vacuum
have got no future because they have no past. If
you can give these people a past you will give them
a future
(Paul Coe, in Tatz, ed., 1975:107).

One’s life-history is seen by Aboriginal people as a most important

The life-history of the urban Aborigine does not necessarily

act to help the individual locate himself in society. Many an

Aboriginal person has no history. Often he has been taken away

from his parents by missionaries, or by the Department of Community

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