The name is absent


Forty-three point two per cent of Aborigines rejected the notion
that it was no good asking help from people in authority, (19.3
per cent agreed). Forty-two point seven per cent believed people
in their suburb were friendly and willing to help, 27 per cent disagreed.

' -

Sixty-eight point nine per cent believed people would help if the
individual made an effort;, only 5.5 per cent disagreed. Forty-
seven point two per cent rejected the notion that they were not

cared about as a person and would wish to change their school.

The pattern of Aboriginal response paralleled the non-Aboriginal
response, though the latter was a stronger response in each case.

Thus the following picture emerges, both for Aboriginal and
non-Aboriginal student⅞ when the statements are all worded positively:

If one makes an effort^ people will help.

(68.9 per cent of Aborigines and 77.8.. per cent of non- >

Aborigines agreed.

The proposition was strongly upheld by 23.3 per cent and 26.6
per cent, respectively) .

Teachers will help.

(58.3 per cent of Aborigines agreed, 20.9 per cent agreed

strongly. 63.7 per cent of non-Aborigines agreed, 18.3

per cent of these agreed strongly).

People care about me as a person at school.

(47.2 per cent of Aborigines and 53.5 per cent of non-Aborigines

It is worth asking help from people in authority.

(43.2 per cent of Aborigines and 48.6 perι.cent
of non-Aborigines supported this).

People in the suburbs are friendly and willing to help.

(42.7 per cent of Aborigines and, 52.7 per cent of non- Aborigines

The hypothesis that Aborigines would give responses showing
perception of rejection was not supported.

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