44 б
25.22 (іі) (с) Discussion
While Australians, and to an even greater extent, Italians,
were seen by Aboriginal respondents to hold money and possessions
as important, there was little difference for Aborigines between
Item 21 and Item 42 (37,0 per cent, 33,7 per cent). For the,..
Aboriginal self, the major support lay at neither extreme, but
at the mid-point.
Aborigines and the Aboriginal self were given more support on
’holding other things more important than money', compared with
the view of Australians and Italians. However, this item was not
given the overwhelming support that was given, for example, to the
notion that Aborigines should form groups to get somewhere, or
other issues on which there was great cohesion. It cannot be
concluded that 'other things are more important than money' is
held with great cohesion as a distinguishing cultural value of
Aboriginal people by Aboriginal people themselves, though there
was some support for this view.
The hypothesis that there would be STRONG support for
the belief that Aborigines and the Aboriginal self hold other
things more important than money was not supported.
On the other hand,there was greater support for this item as
characterising Aborigines and the Aboriginal self than there was
support for it as a characteristic of Australians and Italians.
25.22(ii) (d) Comparison of non-Aboriginal view of Australians,
Italians, Aborigines - other things more important
than money
The non-Aboriginal view is set out in the following table,
Table 54.
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