The name is absent



(ii) Pt. AugUsta

It has been shown that Pt. Augusta has some coherence as a
« *

group, some measure of autonomy, a structure for formulating common
policy, and an appointed spokesperson.

It has bonds with the tradition-oriented world which offer a
secure idential of life-history.

It is posited that the possibility of learning from Strelley
will lie in the area of cementing causal-meaningful bonds, providing
for continuity of leadership, and articulating an ideology with
which members and potential members of the group can interact.

At Pt. Augusta there are some employment opportunities directly
related to Aboriginal culture, teaching appointments in the
Aboriginal Studies programme in schools, as cultural officers
in national parks, as home-school liaison personnel interacting
with people newly arrived from the''bush’.

What is needed at Pt. Augusta is a continuation of these
programmes, but with the jobs provided offering
a career structure
with promotional prospects.

At present the Aboriginal people at Pt. Augusta offer personal
models of dedication and ability; they do not offer models for
career structures.

The research findings show that Aboriginal people, like other
Australian people,see money and jobs as important.

The lack of promotion opportunities for teacher - aides in general
is a source of discontent; it is particularly important for
Aboriginal people as a source for offering an employment model
that provides status in the eyes of the Aboriginal and non-
Aboriginal worlds. Teacher-aide . appointments provide opportunities
for Aboriginal people to ’help themselves’, and provide for
cohesion within an Aboriginal world.

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