IX Middle-class expectations
Watts (1971:63).
(a) a desire to come to school
(b) enjoyment of school activities
(c) obedience
(d) a willingness to think for themselves and ask
questions when they do not understand
(e) a readiness for school
mental - preparedness
(f) a desire to compete against their classmates
(g) a desire to compete against themselves.
X Reification (Watts, 1971:159)
Some teachers are perhaps too eager to make sweeping
generalizations on what is right or wrong with Aborigines
because they are forced into the position of having to
explain to themselves why the techniques they employed so
successfully, outside with white children, so obviously
fail with their Aboriginal classes.
Personal perceptions (a) -> (g).
Teacher perceptions
(a) Is schooling compulsory for school age students?
for pre-school? Are there any truants?
Question - Strelley
(1) Do teachers theorize about Aboriginal cognitive
(2) Do they change methods to meet these needs?
(ʒ) What rationale do white teachers give for
methods used?
(4) What rationale do Aboriginal teachers give for
methods used with pre-school children, and bridging