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(1) the school as an open system
(2) attitudes and aspirations of parents -
some oppose
some are indifferent
some want children to be educated but don’t
know how to achieve this
(3) attitudes and aspirations of children
(4) child’s self concept
(5) teachers’ cultural bias
(6) teachers’ expectations
(7) climate of community opinion which expects low
(1) Why do Aborigines go to school? What do
Aborigines expect from the school? How long does
Strelley want white teachers to stay in the school?
Seek answers to questions left by John Sherwood (Director
of. A.T.E.P. programme Mt. Lawley).
(2) Seek to identify attitudes and aspirations of
the parents.
Question: Are there leaders among Aboriginal group?
How are these appointed?
How do they exercise leadership to reach policy?
(3/4) Seek to identify attitudes and aspirations of
(5/6) IVhat are teachers expectations of individual
children - of the group as a whole?
(7) Does community expect high achievement
low achievement
skills to master environment?