Groups find identity in outward symbols and possessions
that mark off the group as well as in norms developed by the
Finally, the identity of the group is strengthened by the
group interacting qua group, with others.
The members of the groups have certain roles to play in the
construction and perpetuation of the group, namely those of
indoctrinating others, socializing them into the group and
developing mutual loyalty.
3.14 (Hi) Role of members of the group
(a) Indoctrination
According to Sorokin, an uninterrupted inculcation of
meanings, values and norms in the members of the groups by every
method of indoctrination is of the first importance. This is
especially true of the leaders.
Indoctrination is seen as especially important with regard
to the Law - norms of the group.
(Б), і Mutual loyalty
The development of mutual sympathy, loyalty, devotion, a
sense of oneness among the members of the group is a second
fundamental factor perpetuating its identity and continuity.
Sorokin sees two factors operating against the continuity
of a group, and acting to bring about its destruction, namely
lack of morale, and the size of the group.
3.15 Destruction of the group
fi) Lack of morale
Sorokin sees morale as essential to the permanence of a
Where this is lacking the group will exhaust itself in
internal conflicts.