For example, typifications may differ between those who
have greater or less contact with Aboriginal people.
4. ʒ 2 ( і ) (b ) Institutionalization of typifications
Institutionalization, according to Berger and Luckmann
(1966:72) occurs
...whenever there is a reciprocal typification of
habitualized actions by types of actors. The
typifications of habitualized actions that
constitute institutions are always shared ones.
They are available to all members of the particular
social group in question and the institution itself
typifies individual actors as well as individual
actions. Institutions further imply historicity
and control.
Thus all institutions in the sense used here, are historical
.' by their very nature - the result of negotiations or imposition
by a dominant group.
Institutions act to control human interaction since
they set up accepted, defined modes of interaction which
preclude the many other alternatives that would be possible.
Thus when individuals are socialized into institutionalized
social structures, they are socialized into a world where
identity and its correlates of behaviour are predefined.