Location of Aborigines in different educational contexts/
different models of Aboriginal worlds and typifications
Is there evidence of differences in typification according
to the location of individuals in the different ’models’ of
Aboriginal worlds advanced?
HYPOTHESES 2.4a and 2.4b
(a) It is hypothesized that the more visible the Aboriginal
- the more cohesive will be the view of the Aboriginal self
- the more positive will be the typifications of Aborigines
in general, and
- the less positive the view of ’Australians’.
(b) Non-Aboriginal typification
It is hypothesized that the more visible the Aboriginal group
the more negative will be the typification of Aborigines
by non-Aborigines.
Adult (post-secondary Aborigines) and location in a ’world’ of
pre-1970 legislation and policy.
Is there evidence of differences in post-secondary Aboriginal
students in typifications according to the visibility of the
Aboriginal group?
HYPOTHESES 2.5a and 2.5b
In the ’world* of S.A.I.T., i.e., of post-secondary Aborigines made
visible as a group:
(a) It is hypothesized that,
- there will be strong attachment to ’Aboriginal’ cultural
- there will be a positive self-typification
- there will be a negative typification of Australians
In the ’world’ of post-secondary Aborigines not easily identifiable
as Aborigines, not a visible group (e.g., Stone's):
(b) It is hypothesized that there will be an uncertainty in
typification both of ’Aborigines’ and ’Australians’.