theory of identity construction is here enlarged to accommodate further
possibilities not taken into account by Berger and Luckmann.
4.33(i) (с) Failure to form a cohesive identity
There is a third possibility, namely ego-diffusion, the failure
to form a cohesive identity.
Thus, in summary, several possibilities of appropriation of
identity will be investigated in this study:
(1) symmetry between objective reality as defined by
mainstream society and subjective reality as appropriated by
individuals (negative identity);
(2) а-symmetry between objective reality of mainstream
society and Aboriginal society, leading to
(a) symmetry between positive objective reality of
Aboriginal society and subjective reality (ego-identity); or
(b) symmetry between negative objective reality of
Aboriginal society and subjective reality (negative
identity); or
(3) failure to form a cohesive identity (ego-diffusion).
Securing of identity by identials
Both in the case of 2(a) and 2(b) above, that is the formation
of ego-identity and negative identity, the sense of continuity in
the location of the self is secured by identials (cf. p. ʒi above).
Thus the issues to be explored in Area III are those of tyρifications,
institutionalization of typifications, and the securing of self-
typification by identials.