King, as war-lord, 6o ; head of judi-
cial system, 91 ; absolute power of,
Kishshuim (cucumbers, gourds), 37
Knightly class, 55
Knives, flint, for circumcision, 15 ; of
manufactured iron, 84
Kδbha' (helmet), 57
Kethδneth, Kuttdneth (tunic), 46
Laban, stories of, 20 f.
Laceration of flesh, forbidden in
mourning, 49, 53, 87
t Ladies ’, 56
Lamentation, for the dead, 53 ; in
mockery, over King of Babylon,
Lamps, 30, 31
Land, division and ownership of,
73 ff. ; common, 77
Lapidaries, 89
Lavatories, 28
Law, Administration of, 89 ff.
Lead, 85
Leaven, 36, 69
Leeks, 38
Lentils, 35, 71
Leopards, 63
Lex talionis, 94
Lilies, 82
Lime, 24
Linen, 47
Lions, 62, 63
Loch Leven Castle, 28
Locks, 27
Locusts, as food, 40
Loewe, Mr. Herbert, quoted, 76
Lots, casting of, 74 ff.
Lye, 88
Maggal (sickle), 68
Maghin (shield), 59
Maharesha (plough), 67
Mallow, 37
Mantle, of woven hair, 46
Manure, 70
Marriage, ι6ff. ; age at, 16-18; de-
pendent upon ability to purchase
the bride, 18, 20; wide diversity
of custom, 19 ; kinship reckoned in
two ways, 19 ; prohibited degrees
of, 19; nuptial tent, 20; wedding
feast, ceremonies, 20 f. ; brides-
maids, 2i ; normally arranged by
parents, 21 ; consummated by a
week’s cohabitation, 2i
Ma'asadh (axe), 82
Masmertm (rivets), 58
Massah, 94 ff.
MafsibSth (pillars), 85
Matte (staff), 62
Mattresses, 28
MazmerSth (pruning-shears), 69 f.
Meal, 35
Meals, noon and evening, 43 ; of meat,
in early times, at sanctuary, 71
Meat, 38, 39
Mechanics, 86 f.
Meek, Northern Nigeria, 45
Meribah, 94 ff.
Mishi (sort of material), 47
Metals, 83 ff.
Metaphors, Hebrew, ɪ ff. ; derived
from allotment of land, 74ff.,
from the Law Court, 92 f.
Mithegh (riding-bit), 70
Michal, 50
Midwives, 7
Me'tl (long robe of aristocracy and
priests), 47
Military exercise, ι6, 56
Milk, 33, 34 ; process of milking, 34;
as staple drink, 41
Millet, 35, 71
Mislui (greaves), 58
Mispβ (fodder, excluding tibhen), 69
MckSnen6th (professional waiters), 53
MeIammedhim, see Teachers, profes-
Monogamy, see Marriage
MSragh,p∖.mSriggim (threshing-sledge),
MSri, teacher of sacred lore, ɪ ɪ n.
MSsirSth (bands), 67
MSf, m⅛β (yoke for men), 67
Moufflons, 39
Mourning customs, 52 f.
Murray, Miss Margaret, 7‰ Witch
Cult in Western Europe, 4
Music, at feasts, 44, 51 ; ‘ before the
Lord ’, 51 ; of ecstatic prophets, 51
Musicians, professional, 51
Mutton, 39
Muzzles, 70
Nd’ar (boy), 9
Nahala (land apportioned by casting
Iotsj, 73 ff.
Nails, 82
Necklaces, 89
Nither (carbonate of soda), 88
NSJsedh (sheep-master), 41 n.
Nuptial canopy (fiuppa), 20
Nurses, mate, female, 9
Nuts, 41
Occupations, of children, ɪo, 62 ; of
men, 55 ff.
Officers, 91
Oil, 43 ; anointing, 49, 8ι ; in soap
and scents, 88
'01 (yoke), 66 ; not for men’s use, 67
'Olδl, ,6lil (child), 9
Old Testament Essays, referred to, ɪ 6 n.
Olive-yards, 8ι
Onions, 38
Ordeal, Trial by, 94 ff.
‘ Original Sin ’, 93
Ovens, 32
Oxen, used in agriculture, 66
Pakku 6th sɑdhe, 37
Pancakes, 36
Pans, see Girdles
Parallelism, see Poetry
Parash (horse, often in sense of horse-
men), 60 n,
Partridges, 39
Pattlsh (sledge-hammer), 84
Peham (charcoal), 83
Peredh, fem. pirda (usually rendered
e mule ’), 66
Perfumers, 88
Phylacteries, possible origin of, 47 f.
Physicians, 88
Pigeons, 39, 72
Pigs, 72
Pike or spear, 57
Plants, aromatic, 8ι
Plaster, 24
Plates (armour), 58 ; on war-chariots,
Pledges, ɪɪ
Ploughs, 67
Ploughshares, 67
Plumb-lines, 83
Pockets, 46
Poetry1CharacteristicsofHebrew, 3 f. ;
as affording material for children’s
lessons, jo
Polygamy, see Marriage
Pomegranates, 40 f.
Porch, 27
Porridge, 35
Pots, 31, 87
Potters, 86 f.
Poultices, 88
Poultry, 39
Professions, 82ff.
Property, 73
Prostitutes, distinguishable by their
dress, 51
Proudie, Bishop, 50
Provender, 69
Pruning shears, 69 f.
Purification ceremonies after child-
birth, 7 f.
Purple dye, 47
Quails, 39
Queen Consort, 51
Queen Mother, 51
Quivers, 57
Quoins (stone), 24
Raisins, raisin cakes, 41
Rakkabh (charioteer, rider on horse-
back), 60
Razors, 87
Reading, ɪo; identical with reading
aloud, 12
Redemption of firstborn, 14
Refiners, 58 n.
Reservoirs, 28
‘ Righteousness ’, used metaphori-
cally, 92 f.
Riph6th, 41
Rivets, 58, 82
Re'akim (unleavened wafers), 36
Robes, royal, priestly, 47
Roebuck, 39
Romah (spear or pike), 57
Roofs, construction of, 25 ; flat, able
to support arbours, 25 ; as plea-
sances and look-outs, 25 ; as drying-
grounds and even places of worship,
26 ; continually leaking, compared
to misery of living with contentious
woman, 25, 50
Rooms, in various types of houses,
25 f∙
Ropes, 67
Roscoe, Canon John, quoted, 7, 8
Ruth, 50, 56
‘ Sack-cloth ’, worn by mourners, 52
Sacrifice, of first-born males, 14 ;
human, 15 ; of doves, pigeons, 39,
Salma, see Simla
Salt, 40
Salve, 88
Sandals, 48
Sanitation, 28
Saphith (? carpet), 29
Sar hassâbhâ (Chief of the Army), 60
Saws, 82
Scarecrows, 82
Scarlet dye, 47
Se (sheep, goat), 34
Seeds, 71
Siredh (sharp engraving tool), 83 n.