Shilish (an officer’s title), 60
Shanl (scarlet), 47
‘ Sharps ’, 68
Shaving of the forehead and beard
clipping, 48 ; in mourning, 52, 87
Sheaves, 68, 71
Shebef (club), 62
Shebna, 46
Sheep, 6ι f., 72
Sheep-folds, 62
Shekhir (alcoholic liquor), 42
Shimen (sacred anointing oil), 43
Shepherds, 62
Shesh (linen), 47
Shields, 59
Shirjin (breastplate), 57
Shocks (of com-sheaves), 68
Shoes, 48, 59
Shiphttim (judges), 91
Shiterim (officers), 91
Shephrfth bikir (? cream), 34
Shulhin (table), 29
Shuttle, 69 n.
Sickles, 68
Sidonian merchants, 82, 85
Sieges, 60 f.
Signet ring, ɪɪ, 89
Silver, 86
Silversmiths, 86
Simla (ordinary outer garment), 46
t Sin ’, metaphorical use of originally
legal term, 92 f.
Sinna (very large shield), 59
Sirjrfn (breastplate), 57
Skins, uses of, 29, 30
Slaves, release of in seventh year, 77 f.
Sledge-hammers, 84
Slings, 57
Smith, W. Robertson, quoted, ιgn.,
59, 69 n., 94
Smiths, 58 n.
Snares, 64
Snow, out of season, served at feasts,
Snuffers, 69
Soap, 88
Sileth (fine flour), 35
Sin (flock, herd), 34
Songs, of the vintage, 52
Sipher secretary ’), to
Se,or (leaven), 36
Sireph (refiner), 58 n., 83 n.
Sowing, process of, 67
Spears, 57
Spelling-book, 12
Spelt, 35, 71
Spices, burnt at burials, 53 ; yielding
scents, 88
Spinning, 47
Sp∞n, in Bedouin Trials by Ordeal,
Sport, t6
S0ri (resinous gum), 88
Staves, 62
Steel, for sharpening, 84
‘ Stints system of, 78
Stools, 29
‘ Strange woman ’ (Proverbs), 50
Straw, chopped, 35, 69
Sukkith (arbours), 25, 80
Summer houses, 25
Swords, 57
Sycomore-figs, 40
Tabernacles, Feast of, 80
Table manners, 44
Tables, 29
Taboos, mourners subject to various,
Tactics, military, 60 f.
Tannim (jackals), 64
Tassels, 47
Teachers, professional, ɪ ɪ ; of morals,
ɪ ɪ n.
Tebhen (chopped straw), 35, 69
Tent-peg, 69 n.
Tents, structure of, 23
Terracing, 79
Thong, 48
Threshing, 68 ; sledge for, 68
Tiaras, 89
Tin, 85
Timer miksha (scarecrow), 82 n.
Tila' (scarlet stuff), 47
Tools, 69 ; used in woodwork, 82
Tor (turtle-dove), 72
Traces, 67
Trades, 82 ff.
Traps, 64
Trial by Ordeal, 94 ff.
Turbans, 49
Turtle-doves, 39, 72
'Uggith (unleavened cakes), 35
Unguents, 44
Unleavened bread, 35, 36
Valuables, storing of, 27, 29
Vegetables, wild, 37, 38
Veils, 50
Vestibule, 27
Vinegar, 42
Vines, 37
Vineyards, nature, number, locality
of, 78ff.
Violet dye, 47
Wailers, professional, 53
Wake-song, 53
Wall-pegs, 30
War, training for, see Military exer-
Warriors, 55 ff.
Washing, before meals, 43 ; of clothes,
Water-melons, 41
Water supply, 27, 42 ; for drinking,
4 ɪ f. ; for washing before meals, 43 ;
‘ holy water ’, 94
Weaning, see Infants, feeding of
Weaving, 47
Wells, 27
Wheat, 35, 71 ; sowing of, 67
Whip, see Goad
Windows, 26
Wine, 42
Winnowing, 69
Witnesses, Laws concerning, 93 f.
Wolves, 63
Women, social position of, 49 ff. ;
contentious, 25, 50
Woo<i (panelling), 24; brushwood,
25 ; hewing, 82
Wool, 63
Work, regarded as necessary evil,
Wormwood, 89
Writing, ɪof.
Wrestling, 16
Ydthedh (digging stick), 69 n.
Tayin (wine), 42
Yeledh, fem.yaldd (boy, girl), 9
Yerushshd (property, no matter how
acquired), 73
Yishar (olive oil), 43
Yoke, 66 ; for men’s use, 67
Yflna (dove), 72
Yflnek (suckling), 9
Yflfrim (potters), 86 f.
Zpmer (‘ the pruning ’, sc. of the vines),