The name is absent

An order
for belted
knights to
be chosen.

in the writ
to the

412               Constitutional JIistory.            [chap.

to the proposed grant without Iiaving recourse to their con-
stituencies, asked for a new election in which the sheriff should
be told ‘ que deux de mielx vauez chivalers des contez ɪ ’ should
be chosen, and the sheriffs and other servants of the crown
should be excluded. This proposition was accepted ; and in
the writs for the next parliament the king, after remarking that
the perfunctory transaction of the elections has been a serious
hindrance to business, enjoins the election of two knights girt
with swords, for the county, and two burgesses for each
borough, ‘ de discretioribus et probioribus militibus, civibus et
burgensibus Comitatus civitatum et burgorum et ad Iaborandum
potentioribus 2.' The sheriffs are not however yet excluded.
The enforcement of knighthood as a qualification for election
seems to have caused a difficulty; the words ‘gladiis cinctos3
occur in the writs for March 1340, but are omitted after that
parliament, although the rest of the formula is retained. In
1342 the qualifications of the candidates are indicated by the
words ‘ de discretioribus et Iegalioribus4;' in 1343 t probioribus’
recurs0. In 1347 occurs the curious and important notice that
the king does not call the parliament with the intention of
imposing aids or tallages, but that justice may be done to the
people® ; a very necessary undertaking at a moment when the
king’s recent proceedings had shaken public confidence. The
assurance does not seem to have been satisfactory ; at all events
the parliament which met was not sufficiently pliable ; and the
writ for the next year orders the election to be made ‘ de ap-
tioribus discretioribus et magis fide dignis ; ' the knights are
again to be belted knights, ‘ gladio cinctos et ordinem nιilitarem
habentes et non alios ; ’ and the sheriff is warned that he is so
to conduct the election as not to risk being regarded as a Iiin-
derer of the king’s business7. In 1350 the writ issued for the
paɪliament of ɪɜ,ɔɪ reveals a new difficulty: it was impossible

1 Rot. Part. ɪɪ. 104 ; cf. p. 310, and Statutei, ɪ. 394.

2 Lords’ Report, iv. 509 ; Prynne, Reg. ɪi. 88, 89.

3 Lords’ Report, iv. 517 ; Prynne, Reg. ɪɪ. 90.

4 Lords’ Report, iv. 543.                      5 Lords’ Report, ɪv. 547.

6 Lords’ Report, iv. 573, 575 ; Prynne, Reg. ii. 90.

7 Lords’ Report, ɪv. 580, 583 ; Prynne, Reg. ii. 91.

XX.]               JKrits of the Knights.                413

to secure the election of belted knights, hut honest and peaceful
country gentlemen might be hoped for ; the king accordingly
directs that such persons shall be chosen as are not pleaders or ∙'re ∏θtto
maintainers of quarrels, or men who live by such gains, but
men of worth and good faith, and lovers of the public good.
This form is observed until the year 13551. In the meantime
two great councils were held, the writs for which are excep-
tionally worded; in 1352 the sheriff is to return one knight
‘ de provectioribus discretioribus et magis expertis 2j, the number
being reduced that the work of harvest may not be impeded ;
in 1353 3 one belted knight of the same qualifications is to be
returned. The regular order of parliaments, which had been
interrupted by the plague, was resumed in 1355, and the writs
omit the caution against maintainers and restore the clause
ordering the return of belted knights; in 1356 both these are
omitted, but the counties are warned that no one legally
elected will be excused4; in 1357 the belted knights are again
asked for, and both knights and burgesses are to be chosen ‘ de
elegantioribus personis5.’ Between 1356 and 1371 the Varia-Quaiifica-

,                  .                               .                         .                    . tionsof the

tιons are unimportant ; one writ for ι⅛6o retains the warning knights m-
against improvident elections, and another directs that the
knights shall be chosen in full county court6; in 1362 the
demand is for the choice of men ‘ de melioribus, Validioribus et
discretioribus 7,' varied in 1364 to 1 Valentioribus 8.' This quali-
fication is in 1370 expanded still further; the knights are to
be belted knights and more approved by feats of arms, cir-
cumspect and discreet9. In 1372 was issued the parliamentary
ordinance j° forbidding the election of lawyers and excluding the toθb^ohosen.
sheriffs from candidature. In conformity with this rule the

1 Lords’ Keport, iv, 590, 593, 603, 605 ; Prynne, Reg. ii. 92.

2 Lords’ Report, iv. 595; Prynne, Reg. ii. 92j 93.

3 Lords’ Report, iv. 600.

4 Lords’ Report, iv. 608.

3 Lords’ Report, iv. 616; Prynne, Reg. ii. 99: this writ also directed
the members to be present personally on the ,first day of the parliament.

s Lords’ Report, iv. 623, 626 ; Prynne, Reg. ii. ɪoo.

7 Lords’ Report, iv. 632 ; Prynne, Reg. ii. ɪoɪ.

8 Lords’ Report, iv. 638, 641, 643, 646 ; Prynne, Reg. ii. 102.

9 Leeds’ Report, iv. 648 ; Prynne, Reg. ii. ιo6.

10 See above, vol. ii. p. 445.

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