Land Police in Mozambique: Future Perspectives

Land Administration and Management Policy


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. Direcçâo Nacional de Geografia e Cadastro, Ministério da Agricultura e Pescas, 36p.

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Cadastro, Ministério da Agricultura e Pescas, 45p.

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Training Program, Land Tenure Center, Madison, WI, 34p.

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Garvey, J. (1998). “The Nature of Rights under Mozambique’s Reform Land Law.” Proceedings of International
Conference on Land Tenure in the Developing World with a Focus on Southern Africa, Cape Town, S. Africa, pp.

Kloeck-Jenson, S. (1999a). “Consulting Local Communities in Mozambique: Issues of Representation, Process,
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McGregor, J. (1997). Staking Their Claims: Land Disputes in Southern Mozambique. LTC Paper 158,
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M.C. Cruz, C. A. Meyer, R. Repetto and R. Woodward, Population Growth. Poverty, and Environmental Stress:
Frontier Migration in the Philippines and Costa Rica,
World Resources Institute, October 1992, p. 12.

The case study is based on the Draft Population Issues Relevant to Community Forestry Planning: Country
Profile Thailand, by Bencha Yoddumnem-Attig, George A. Attig, Tirapong Suntipop, and Kriangsak
Rojkureestein, 1995.

For a complete list of project recommendations, see Draft Population Issues Relevant to Community Forestry
Planning: Country Profile Thailand,
op. cit., 1995, pp. 19-26.

World Bank, Consultation Paper, 2000

Christine Oppong, Relationships between Wombats Work and Demographic Behavior, 1991 and Ingrid Palmer,
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"Introduction," in C. Oppong and Aderanti Adepoju (eds.),
Gender. Work and Population in Sub-Saharan Africa,
ILO, London, 1994, p. 14.

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