The name is absent

Table 8.1: Performance criteria for an agricultural data system






Decision-makers and

Understand importance of using
current information in decision-
making and willing to assist data
providers in setting/maintaining data
collection priorities.

Willing to provide both moral
and administrative support to
data systems recommended by
technical managers.

Value high-quality data and insist on
statements of data
accuracy being
made available to data users.

Insistence on timely
information coupled with a
willingness to support the
data collection system.

Data system managers

Able to provide policymakers with
realistic estimates of time and
materials necessary to collect various
types of information. Able to reject
requests for low priority, non-
essential data.

Well organized and able to
make decisions on most efficient
mix of programs and personnel.

Actively seek to minimize non-
sampling errors and sampling errors
through sound training and survey

Dedicated to providing high-
quality information in a time
frame that meets the needs of
the data users.

Technical support:
statisticians, computer
programmers, etc.

Able to choose the most appropriate
data collection methods for a variety
of information needs.

Able to correctly analyze
various survey options and
select most appropriate data
collection method.

Use "total survey design" techniques
to minimize both sampling and non-
sampling errors. Encourage
probability surveys whenever

Able to design surveys that
meet the accuracy and
timeliness criteria.

A d m i n i s t rat i v e

Aware of the importance of
administrative support to produce
high-quality data.

Able to facilitate the required
logistical support.

Acknowledge importance of
administrative support in elimination
of non-sampling errors.

Understand the importance
of providing timely
administrative support.

Data collection staff:
supervisors and

Well trained in the various data
collection techniques. Dedicated to
the collection of high-quality data
under adverse conditions.

Motivated to provide the most
accurate data in the most timely

Fully trained in importance of
following survey plans. Must remain
vigilant in the collection of high-
quality data—rejecting short cuts or
falsification of data.

Dedicated employees willing
and able to collect high-
quality data as required to
meet time constraints.

Data handlers and
c o m p u t e r

Able to make realistic estimates of
processing requirements and to
process data quickly with minimal

Knowledgeable of various
computer software packages and
equipped at an appropriate level.

Recognize importance of following
survey plans. Maintain exacting
standard of data handling. Do not
hesitate to question entries, return to
field for verification.

Able to input, clean, and
summarize survey data
within the prescribed time

Data analysts

Thoroughly understand current
economic and political climates as
well as available data sets; able to
provide meaningful data analysis.

Well trained in various data-
analysis techniques and equipped
with appropriate hardware.

Knowledgeable of the biases present
in various data sets. Able to explain
and publish information on a data
sets' accuracy.

Reviews data and prepares
reports that provide
requested information within
prescribed time.

More intriguing information

1. The name is absent
2. Happiness in Eastern Europe
3. The Veblen-Gerschenkron Effect of FDI in Mezzogiorno and East Germany
4. The name is absent
5. The name is absent
6. Foreword: Special Issue on Invasive Species
7. Types of Cost in Inductive Concept Learning
8. The name is absent
9. The name is absent
10. Restricted Export Flexibility and Risk Management with Options and Futures
11. Empirical Calibration of a Least-Cost Conservation Reserve Program
12. Nietzsche, immortality, singularity and eternal recurrence1
13. The name is absent
14. Industrial districts, innovation and I-district effect: territory or industrial specialization?
15. Uncertain Productivity Growth and the Choice between FDI and Export
16. The InnoRegio-program: a new way to promote regional innovation networks - empirical results of the complementary research -
17. Manufacturing Earnings and Cycles: New Evidence
18. Macro-regional evaluation of the Structural Funds using the HERMIN modelling framework
19. Cross border cooperation –promoter of tourism development
20. Institutions, Social Norms, and Bargaining Power: An Analysis of Individual Leisure Time in Couple Households