Table 2: Maximum Likelihood estimates from choice experiment, multinomial logit
Bulls Traits |
Production system |
Crop-livestock |
Crop-livestock |
Pastoral |
Trypanotolerance |
0.341***(0.029) |
0.446***(0.047) |
0.472***(0.101) |
0.593***(0.090) |
Purchase price (US$) |
0.016 (0.034) |
0.095*(0.043) |
-0.371 (0.234) |
-0.037 (0.070) |
Low watering |
0.091***(0.029) |
0.093*(0.046) |
0.092 (0.088) |
0.093 (0.083) |
Dark coat colour |
0.053*(0.024) |
0.053 (0.038) |
-0.063 (0.063) |
0.060 (0.066) |
Fertility |
0.289***(0.025) |
0.191***(0.038) |
0.024 (0.068) |
0.987***(0.085) |
Liveweight in Kg |
0.118***(0.024) |
0.142***(0.035) |
0.004 (0.062) |
0.200**(0.071) |
Traction potential |
0.714***(0.031) |
0.557***(0.048) |
1.649***(0.103) |
0.100 (0.082) |
Constant____________ |
-2.477***(0.161) |
-1.867***(0.239) |
-2.812***(0.412) |
-3.349***(0.598) |
L-likelihood function |
-1701.987 |
-691.3227 |
-365.985 |
-262.814 |
N____________ |
2783___________ |
1012__________ |
1177___________ |
594____________ |
Pooled |
Crop-livestock |
Crop-livestock |
Pastoral | |
Cows Traits________ |
Kenya ɪ_________ |
Ethiopia________ |
(Kenya)_________ | |
Trypanotolerance |
0.786***(0.031) |
0.649***(0.048) |
1.179***(0.066) |
0.489***(0.063) |
Purchase price (US$) |
-0.011 (0.007) |
0.012 (0.009) |
-0.011 (0.023) |
0.025*(0.012) |
Milk yield |
0.224***(0.026) |
0.254***(0.041) |
0.261***(0.055) |
0.309***(0.057) |
Reproduction ability |
0.363***(0.030) |
0.295***(0.045) |
0.439***(0.064) |
0.420***(0.060) |
Supplementary feeds |
-0.228***(0.031) |
-0.403***(0.048) |
-0.014 (0.068) |
-0.340***(0.065) |
Low watering |
0.154***(0.039) |
0.140*(0.058) |
-0.030 (0.094) |
0.196*(0.083) |
Dark coat colour |
-0.030 (0.030) |
-0.063 (0.043) |
-0.009 (0.073) |
-0.040 (0.064) |
Liveweight in Kg |
0.049 (0.054) |
0.005 (0.089) |
0.135 (0.098) |
0.388** (0.127) |
Constant____________ |
-2.315***(0.195) |
-1.464***(0.306) |
-3.440***(0.477) |
-0.935*(0.464) |
L-likelihood function |
-1788.483 |
-820.655 |
-412.041 |
-431.001 |
N __________ |
3036___________ |
1188___________ |
1164__________ |
684____________ |
***, **, * indicate that coefficients are statistically significant at the 0.1, 1 and 5 % levels, respectively, using
P-values in maximum likelihood estimation. Robust standard errors in parenthesis.
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