Van Gool & Bridges
The Community Intervention
This is the most diverse intervention in the analysis and contains the largest set of
activities. The intervention is specifically aimed at the low SES areas of Liverpool,
Campbelltown and Fairfield.
The intervention includes campaigns at community festivals, public events, restaurants,
supermarkets, canteens, schools and a health week. An amount of $100,000 has been set
aside and includes resources for administrative staff, displays, education materials and
sponsorship money and planning.
Local media was utilised through advertisements in the press. A budget of $100,000
was set aside. This figure is based on a weekly half-page advertisement in three local
area papers and some local ethnic papers. It also includes the cost of a part-time
administrative officer whose role is to liaise with local media.
The program ran courses and information sessions on weight reduction and nutrition,
including consultations for feedback to individuals on progress. Local food suppliers
were lobbied to offer low-salt and low-fat food. The costs for this have been estimated
as being equivalent to hiring six full-time dietitians.
In addition, blood screenings for cholesterol and hypertension were organised at social
events and in factories. Screening was also addressed through close co-operation with
GPs, pharmacists and insurance companies. Costs for this part of the intervention are
based on the Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS). It is assumed that approximately 10 %
of the target population will seek an additional consultation with their GP and will have
a cholesterol test.
Finally, comprehensive health information materials were distributed widely and health
and food habit surveys were conducted. An amount of $145,000 was set aside for
printing, distribution, survey costs and administration staff.
To assist the different cultural population groups in SWSAHS, the hiring of four part-
time cultural staff are included in the costs.
Chere Project Report 11- November 1999