Figure 5.1: Map1 with 2 junctions
Those two scenarios are chosen to experiment with the traffic light controllers.
The last scenario represents the Wetstraat in Brussels and is created as realistic
as possible. The optim controller for the simulation of the Wetstraat is modified
such that they have the same green times as in reality. The simulation results of
the self-organizing traffic lights are compared to the current traffic light controller
of the Wetstraat.
5.1 Scenario 1: 2 junctions, all directions
This scenario exists of 2 junctions, 6 edge-nodes and7 roads (two directions). Two
different traffic densities will be used for simulation: map1_hd for high density
and map1_ld for low density. Scenario 1 at high and low traffic density has the
same set of destination frequencies which is shown in table 5.1 on the following