0.31%±0.02% SEM, paired t-test with 11 degrees of freedom, p=0.0001). The response
in the STSms to each of the Six trials types was also entered into a three-factor mixed-
effect ANOVA with stimulus modality (tactile, auditory, tactile-auditory) and intensity
(weak, strong) as fixed factors and subject as a random factor. The most significant
effect was modality (F(2,22)=10.3, p=0.0007) driven by the increased response to
multisensory stimulation. There was also a significant effect of intensity (F( 1,11)=16.1,
p=0.002), reflecting a larger response to strong compared with weak stimuli
(0.37%±0.02% vs. 0.29%±0.02%). The interaction between modality and intensity was
not significant (F(2,22)=0.1, p=0.9) showing that the degree of multisensory
enhancement did not differ between weak and strong multisensory trials.