to the provincial level could help her further career prospects, it is doubtful that these
policies will make a difference in terms of voters' recognition and, especially, for intra-
party bargaining. For the rest of the former governors, I am doubtful about labeling
them "ambitious politicians". Thus, overall, I do not expect the effect of previous
governorships to be a very strong predictor of increments in the submission of
provincially-targeted legislation.
On the contrary; I think that former mayors do need territorial targets, not only
to remain in their voters' minds, but also as signals to party leaders. Unlike former
governors, the scope of their previous territorial support is more concentrated and less
widespread across the province. In order to improve further chances, those politicians ⅛
should be interested in demonstrating that the linkage with "their people" is untouched. ⅞
Thus, I expect those politicians to act strategically, especially since returning to a district- <
level position is a valid option for the future. For this reasons, the likelihood of
submitted municipally-oriented legislation should increase if a legislator has had a
municipal background.
Descriptive Information
What is the distribution of former governors in Congress? As mentioned in
Chapter 3, about 30% of legislators have pursued (and some of them won) a
gubernatorial or mayoral position. However, this measure considers the House and the
Senate together and does not take timing into account. When background prior to the
arrival to the House of Deputies is considered, statistics look as shown in Tables 5.1 to
5.3. Fifty-six former Governors and Lieutenant Governors previously occupied a
position in the Argentine House after serving their mandates, which is almost 4% of the