Figure 5.5: Symmetric segment density profiles of the A block (solid black curve) and
B block (dashed black curve) of the copolymer for (a) H = 9σ, (b) H = 10.6σ, (c) H =
13σ, and (d) H = 15σ. For the diblock copolymer, N = 8 and e∕kT = 0.289. For surfaces,
f,w∕kT = 0.1.
lamellar structures at different surface separations. At H = 9σ, 10.6σ and 13σ, we
observe one lamellae of both A and B. A “lamellae” is split into two half-lamellae,
one at each surface and B “lamellae” lies in the middle. The density profile of A