Figure 7.7: Comparison of the average end- (black curves) and mid-segments (gray curves)
density profiles of confined (a) 4-segment linear (dashed curves) and 3-arm star (solid
curves) polymer fluids at ηavg = 0.1, (b) 4-segment linear (dashed curves) and 3-arm star
(solid curves) polymer fluids at ηaυg = 0.3, (c) 25-segment linear (dot-dashed curves), 4-arm
star (dashed curves) and 3-arm star (solid curves) polymer fluids at ηaυg = 0.1, and (d)
25-segment linear (dot-dashed curves), 4-arm star (dashed curves) and 3-arm star (solid
curves) polymer fluids at ηavg = 0∙3.
Figures 7.7a and b compare the average end- and mid-segments density profiles of the
4-segment linear and 3-arm star polymers. For the star polymer with only one seg-
ment in the arms, the mid-segment comprises only the articulation segment and the