polymer contacts. The partition function is given by
∙⅛ Tip n Tlg n
Zc(ns,np,V,D = y Dr,∏ J *iexp(-∕3%(rnp'v]-∕3tzι[r"s+"',^'J)
j—1 ⅛—1
δ↑Pp + Ps — Po]>
where δ[pp + ps — Po] imposes the local incompressibility constraint. Noting this
constraint, the interaction potential can be re-written as
z,t∕1[r"s+"rf] = lt,<,χps ʃdr(p= - [⅛(r) - ⅛(r)]2).
Using Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation [269] gives
e 'ib'i = e ×ps(ns+npN)∕i Dw^ exp ( / dr[(βp — ps)w- — (Po/Xps),u∙'1] ) , (8.30)
and from the definition of dirac delta functional
δ[pp + Ps - Po]= Dw+ exp
Here, two auxiliary fields, w+ and w_, have been introduced to decouple the interac-
tions between the solvent molecules and polymer segments. These can be viewed as
fluctuating chemical potential fields. Field w+ represents the total chemical potential
while w_ represents the exchange chemical potential. Using these transformations,