The name is absent

perturbation from the reference hard-chain fluid.

2.2.1 Chain term

From eqn. 2.1, the Helmholtz free energy of a mixture of hard-chain fluids is given

y⅛c _ I дЬз chain



The ideal free energy of the segments is given by

jid ' __v

= 22 mixi(lnpi -1) +C,

where the term ‘C’ includes the term involving the De Broglie wavelength. For re-
pulsive interactions, instead of using a purely repulsive hard sphere potential, softly-
repulsive potential suggested by Chen and Kreglewski [65] is used.

r <(σi- si)

^repulsion_ <

3eii - sɪ) ≤ r < σi ,


r ≥ σi

where e is the depth of the potential well that quantifies the square-well attractive
interactions between the segments of the chains (as will be discussed in the dispersion
term), and si = 0.12σ. Following Barker and Henderson perturbation theory [77], this
soft repulsion between spheres can be described using a purely repulsive hard-sphere


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