eqn. 2.2 gives
Afcc ч , , ч Ahs
— = χmja⅞(lnft -
i i
J2Mmi-l) (lnpi - 1)-£xi(mi-l) (in gfcis(⅛)) ,
i i
or simply,
Afcc ч . . ч Ahs
---— = > Xi (InPj — 1) + > ХгГП,———
NkT > г lNskT
i i
-∑xi(mi - 1) (ln<∕fcs(⅛)) .
In eqn. 2.15, the first term is the ideal free energy of the mixture of chain fluids.
Hence, the residual helmholtz free energy of a mixture of hard chain fluids from
SAFT-HS is given as
Λ he,res __ A hs
= - ∑^m, -1) (⅛⅛)) ∙ (2∙16)
i s i
Ghonasgi and Chapman [80] and independently Chang and Sandier [81] proposed
a modification of the expressions for the free energy contribution due to chain con-
nectivity [80]. Ghonasgi and Chapman labeled the resulting equation of state SAFT-
Dimer (or SAFT-D for short). The change to the chain term (Acfcam) is schematically
illustrated in figure 2.3, and consists in the addition of an extra step in the deriva-
tion of the expression for the free energy contribution due to chain connectivity. In
SAFT-HS, all the bonds between segments are formed simultaneously, and are thus
equivalent. In SAFT-D, dimers are formed in a first step from the mixture of hard
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