Figure 2.5: Example of a simplified neuron to demonstrate our labeling scheme (taken from my
paper with Roos, Xiao, and Cox (Kellems et al., 2009)). Branches are indexed using the Hines
ordering (Hines, 1984), and junctions are labeled with italics. For this cell there are D — 3 dendrites
and J = 4 junctions. Our labeling scheme implies, for example, that at junction 3 the children are
indexed by 6∣ = 5, hɜ = 6 and the mother is indexed by 6∣ = 8.
the Fc gating variables, wbcf, f = 1,..., Fc. When subjected to input at Sb synapses,
these gating variables, together with v6, obey the nonlinear cable equation
abCm∂tvb = -∂x(a2b∂xυb) - ab∑ Gbc(x)(υb ~ Ec) ɪɪ w9bcff
C=1 f=1 (2.17)
ɪ ɔb
- — y^Qbs(t)δ(x - xbs)(vb - Ebs)
Z7Γ z—'
= ⅛⅛⅛1→⅛1 0 < χ < e O < i. (2.18)
Here gbs (nS) is the time course, xbs is the spatial location, and Ebs is the reversal
potential of the sth synapse on branch b.
These branch potentials interact at J junction points, where junction J denotes