The name is absent


Algorithm 1 : An Iterative Rational Krylov Algorithm (IRKA) for MIMO Systems

Input: Matrices A, B, and C; desired reduced system size r;

shift convergence tolerance εs

Output: Reduced order matrices Ar, Br, Cr

1: Initialize Ar, Br, Cr to be random matrices of appropriate reduced dimensions

2: Compute shifts σi «--Aj(Ar) for i = 1 : r

3: Construct Vr and Wr so that

Ran(K) = span{(σ√- A) 1Bb1,... ,(σrI — A) 1Bbr}
Ran(IKr) = span{(σ1/ — Aτ)~1Cτc1,..., (σrI — Aτ)~1Cτcr},


Arxi = xiλl, yy Ar--= Xyy? and y[xi = 1,
b1 y1Br, C1 CrXi-
4: while (relative change in σ2 > εs) do

5: Set Ar = (WrτVr)~1WrτAVr, Br = (WrτVr)~1WrτB, and Cr = CVr

6.∙ σi <--Az(Ar) for i = 1,..., r

7: Update Vr and Wr so that

Ran(Ur) = span{(σι∕- A)~1Bb1,... ,{σrI - A)~1Bbr}
Ran(Wr) = span{(σj/ — Aτ)~1Cτc1,..., (σrI — Aτ)~1Cτcr},


Arxi = xii, yf Ar = iyl and yξxi = 1,
b1 yiBr, cl CrXi

8: Ar = (WrτVr)-1WrτAVr, Br = (WrτVr)-1WrτB, and Cr - CVr

9: end while

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