We conduct a set of 20 simulations of 1 second duration, each using 500 random
current injections of amplitudes between 0-150 pA and lasting 0-5 ms. We compare
the spike-capturing accuracy of the full system to that of reduced systems of different
dimensions. In the reduced systems, the V-Slim tolerances are ⅛,ca∣ = 0.002, ε{ocal =
0.0005, εgiobal — 10^6, and Sglobal = IO-5, and the step between snapshots in the global
active zone is 4. The application of Branch-Ortho leads to highly accurate and fast
reduced systems, as Figure 3.7 and Table 3.6 show.
Figure 3.7: (a) Rendering of cell AR-l-20-04-A (Martinez) with proximal and distal voltage
traces computed from the full and reduced systems (blue and red lines, respectively) in
response to a 500 pA step current stimulus lasting 9 ms applied at the soma. The reduced
system size for this plot is kv — kf = 90. (b) Bar plot showing the percentage matched and
mismatched for the reduced systems for cell AR-1-20-04-A.
3.4.2 Results on Other Morphologies
The POD and DEIM modeling framework is applicable to a wide class of neurons.
We have assembled a broad test group of neurons from (http://NeuroMorpho.org)
(Ascoli, 2006). In Table 3.7 we summarize the accuracy and speed of the correspond-