Time (ms)
Figure 3.5: Somatic voltage traces of the nonlinear and reduced models for (a) first half
and (b) second half of simulation 1 of the HH forked neuron.
radius 8 μm, agreeing with the morphological parameters as given in Railpack 2 of
(Bhalla et al., 1992). We consider two variants of such a tree: one in which the
dendritic radii do not taper and one in which they taper linearly along the length
of the dendrites. In the reduced systems, the V-Slim tolerances are εj,ocal = IO-2,
εiocai = lθ '∖ ¾obai = ɪɔʌ ancI ɛgɪɑbai = lθ-5> and the step between snapshots in the
global active zone is 4. We run 20 simulations of 1000 ms each with ∆t = 0.1 ms,
just as for the forked neuron, only this time we use 600 random currents of 0-500 pA
amplitude and 0-5 ms duration.
The results shown in Table 3.5 show that the reduced system recovers spiking