Chapter 3
g2δ2(∆-δ∕3) (T2m'2s3) χ W7
Figure 3.11 Restricted diffusion result and drop size distribution of emulsion
Figure 3.12 shows T2 distribution of water in diluted bitumen (dilution ratio 2.4,
solids-free) emulsion with 200 ppm demulsifier PR5 and corresponding drop size
distribution as the function of time.
T2 distribution Ofemulsions
T2 (ms)
Drop size distribution of emulsions
Figure 3.12 T2 and drop size distribution of water in diluted bitumen emulsion
adding 200 ppm demulsifier PR5 as the function of time
After adding demulsifier PR5, T2 values of oil peak or emulsified water peak
become larger and closer to those of bulk oil or water. After 20 minutes, T2
distribution of water drops is very close to that of bulk water. Drop size of emulsion