The Oath Statements
Finally the Mau Mau oath model analysis includes the necessity for all
oathing ceremonies to have oathing statements, vows, and utterances.63
Therefore, the model depicts that for every Mau Mau oath, there is an associated
relationship between the oath and the oathing statements, object 2.4. The
collection of oathing statements includes short phrases, words, affirmations, and
even songs that were used to move Mau Mau participants into full Mau Mau
members. Oathing could consist of many different oathing statements. The vocal
utterances of words, language, and actions were a key component of the oathing
ceremony. The kithitu oath or spirits heard the words spoken by the oather.
There was not one set oath statement that all Mau Mau participants
vowed. Generally the statements were different based on all of the conditions
that went into the Mau Mau oath experience. Some oathing statements were
brief; some were much longer, some included chants and singing, while others
did not. Despite the variability of statements, there were commonalities.
However, all oaths did appear to have consistency in the meaning and purpose
of the oathing statements - the unification and liberation of Kenyan.
Oathing administrators knew the core elements needed in the statements
to ensure unity, secrecy, and allegiance to Mau Mau. However, the oath
administrator again had flexibility in selecting the sequence, the accents, and the
words as he was guided spiritually to know what would invoke the oath. One of
63 To date I have not been able to find any cases of an oathing ceremony conducted without the application
of oathing statements or words, because the oath by definition is spoken.