The name is absent

in the Third Class Magistrate Court in Machakos were unusually similar. The
court reports on the oathing ceremony have the same language, sequence, and
structure. In many ways the narrative accounts appear mechanical and

The Testimony of Muinde: “If I tell the secret. ..1 will be killed”54

The statement of this witness is important because statements were not
included in the final court hearing. Although the accounts of this Muinde show
some similarities to the other testimonies against Nyanze, there are many varied
ritual practices documented that did not surface during the Supreme Court
hearing. Like the others, Muinde provided a testimony to the Third Class
Magistrate Court of Machakos about the oathing conducted on October
251953.55 However, this case was not included in the Supreme Court hearing
case against Nyanze. But the details of his testimony provide insight into the
situation and perhaps help analyze why this testimony was excluded.

The ritual experience can clearly vary; however, when compared to the
Otherwitness accounts, we see both consistent and inconsistent statements. Like
many Mau Mau oathing rituals, Muinde reported that the oathing occurred in the

53 Both witnesses left these details out in their testimonies on April 5, 1954. The findings of this study show
that Mau Mau oathing rituals are dynamic, distinct, and colorful with different individuals interpreting
them in different ways. There were aspects that were more provocative and meaningful for one individual
compared to another individual. We have seen from the previous chapter on the Mau Mau Oathing model
that it is impossible to completely recreate the exact process and the experience, but the testimonies reveal
a different story. This is complicated even more with how the ritual is received and processed by the
individual. The accounts of the witnesses especially as recorded in their initial testimonies are suspicious
because the descriptive details and narrative appear to have been based on some sort of collaborated or
dictated account of the Mau Mau ceremony.

54 Testimony OfWilliamNzango S/0 Muinde, Third Class Magistrate Court at Machakos, case 60, 1953.
KNAMLA 1/791 p. 1.

55 Testimony OfWilliamNzango S/0 Muinde, Third Class Magistrate Court at Machakos, case 60, 1953.
KNA MLA 1/791 p. 2.


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