The Testimony of Mkamba: “If I am called out by the Mau Ma∪...l must go...’’61
To add to the complexity, Kamba S/О Ngoi Mkamba also delivered a
testimony against Nyanze on December 29, 1953 but was not asked to provide
his account to the Supreme Court.62 In his account, the details and descriptions
align with the testimony of Muinde. The only major deviance was the fact that
the blood exchange was not mentioned. Again, it is difficult to speculate why.
Mkamba was told to repeat the following statements by the accused:
“If I am called out at any time by Mau Mau at night even if I am called to go
and kill I must go; I must not drink European Beer. If I see any guns or
pistols, I must steal them. If I give away the secrets of Mau Mau I will be
Thus, for the most part, this testimony was in agreement with the acts
documented. However, what is most revealing about the presence of this
testimony is the information revealed in the cross examination section of the
documents, which provided more information on how the oath transformed even
along age lines. The accused questioned Mkamba about Akamba traditions
pertaining to oathing that was traditionally rooted in age boundaries. The witness
was obviously older than the accused, so in the cross examination, the accused
asked Mkamba, “How can I, a young man give you, an older man an oath, for it is
against Kamba custom?”63 The witness responded with, “It was not a Kamba
61 Testimony OfWilliam Nzango S/0 Muinde, Third Class Magistrate Court at Machakos, case 60, 1953.
KNAMLA 1/791 p. 1
62 Testimony of, Kamba S/0 Ngoi Mkamba, Third Class Magistrate Court at Machakos, case 60, 1953.
KNA MLA 1/791 p. 3-4.
63 Testimony of, Kamba S/0 Ngoi Mkamba, Third Class Magistrate Court at Machakos, case 60, 1953.
KNAMLA 1/791 p. 4.