The name is absent


current) in the follower cell.

V0 - Rin2D^0 + Rin2D,ilK

-                                                              (5.17)

r?l = Rm2DZQK + Rin2Dil

From the second relationship, if tq is assumed to be 0 because the follower cell is held at the
rod resting potential then:

Rin2D^l ~ ~Rirι2DoR

Divide the first relationship in system 5.17by zi and substitute in K

^7^^ = Rin2D^r^ ~ Rin2D^T-                            (5.18)

Zl           Zi           Zo

from our definition of network resistance between adjacent cells (R apparent) Ra = v0∕iι

2o             ∕?

Rin2D = 7^-il ■ ⅝ = T---½∙                       (5.19)

iɪ io /       iɪ io /

The input impedance for all pairs estimated from equation 5.19 is shown in figure 5.7.

The mean Ri∏2D was 137 MΩ, which is in line with our experience from recording from rod
photoreceptors. Figure 5.9 A shows the estimates of
Rin2D for each pair of cells, and figure
5.9 B shows a box plot with the means, 25th and 75th percentiles of the same data.

From the previous set of equations we can also solve for how Ra varies with Ri∏2D and
2d∙ Substituting K back into equation 5.18 yields

— = Ra = ~RiJK + RinK
•              Lt               tlt∕                  t / t

Zi                   .

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